Lewis County Search and Rescue (LCSR) is a professional not for profit 501(c)(3) organization that covers 1290 square miles, as our service area. We also provide mutual aid to other surrounding ambulance services/fire departments in Lewis County, New York. We strive to be a compassionate, professional combination volunteer/paid organization.
We provide 911 Paramedic and Basic Emergency Medical Care as well as inter-facility transports to higher level of care facilities. We also provide outreach services such as American Heart (AHA) First Aid and CPR/AED classes for Medical and Lay Persons. We also provide medical standby services for your special events, community activities, and open houses.
Lewis County Search and Rescue is funded almost entirely through third party insurance billing and local donations! If you would like to donate to the maintenance and advancement of our equipment, facilities, and training, please visit our donation page!